Monday, February 10, 2025
HomeGCCUAEVideo and Tweets from Solar Eclipse of the Decade from UAE

Video and Tweets from Solar Eclipse of the Decade from UAE

The last solar phenomenon of the decade is visible from the UAE for the first time since 1847.

Often dubbed as the ‘ring of fire’, the event is called an annular solar eclipse, where the sun will be covered 91.93 percent except its outer edges.

Special arrangements were made for the general public by UAE Space Agency and organised an event at Liwa Hills Hotel, Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort, Emirates Mobile Observatory at Marina Mall in Abu Dhabi, along with several other locations throughout the region.

Live updates:
Throughout the day spectators shared videos and pictures throughout the viewing time period today with #solareclipse2019 and #ringoffire trending on numbers 1 and 2.




7:15am uae&src=typed_query



6:45am uae&src=typed_query


Viewing it through regular sunglasses, unfiltered camera lens, telescope, binoculars or any other optical device was declared also be dangerous.

Observers were advised to wear Solar filters or solar eclipse glasses that must be scratch-free, not older than three years, and must have the name and address of the manufacturer. Observers should use proper equipment to view the event and visit qualified astronomy centres.

UAE timings for the Eclipse

. Duration: 2 hours 21 minutes 32 seconds

. Duration of annularity: 2 minutes 47 seconds

. Sunrise: 7.01.39 am

. Full annular eclipse begins: 7.35.21am

. Maximum: 7.36.43am

. Full annular eclipse ends: 7.38.08am

. Partial ends: 8.52.34am

The annular phase was only visible from Liwa.

Naimal Nadeem
Naimal Nadeem
Tabinda writes about the current happenings across the world and new launch reviews with special emphasis on Keywords and Topics for maximum viewer readership. Tabinda has experience in advertising for major brands overseeing thier strategy and execution operations.

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